Hello again,
I am wanting to show some watch photography images I worked on recently. I actually completed this work around 4 months ago but time is needed to be given to the clients to use the images before I post the content online. I was asked to shoot a range of smart watches produced by the brand Watchd. The products are heavily influenced by the Apple iwatch. They needed product photography to show off their watches, the product images are one of the main marketing tools used for many brands, the images are used on their own website, on other e-commerce websites, social media marketing, email marketing, print advertising, the list goes on.
These images were taken in a photography studio setting, I shot again a white background and a dark grey background. These options allow for the obvious white or black backgrounds, but also for any other colour or background imagery can be used, like the examples shown. I have chosen bright contrasting colours with a pastel type tone, this is to make the colours really stand out and the viewers who have an increasing short attention span will be more noticable.
All of the angles of the images were chosen by the clients. One of the difficulties on this shoot was that there was many colour options in the product range, for e-commerce photography consistency is key. Swapping the product out for another colour option when shooting in a studio is very difficult, matching the angle exactly. I have the patience to do this type of work, but the products weren’t the same size on each colour variation. Mainly the straps. A fair amount to photoshop work was needed in order the straps stayed consistent. All the photography and retouching took about 5 working days.
Let me know your thoughts on this photography, or if you would like to make a request of the subject matter of my photography blog please let me know.

Thanks, Phill.