Hello again,
I was asked to photograph hull university as they have had lots of renovation work done to their building and a new wing to the campus including an auditorium. As soon as I saw the interior I new their was massive potential for some great interior photography. I had just ordered a new lens which is the Tamron 16-30mm f2.8 VR ultra wide angle zoom lens which was the perfect kens for this type of shoot.
The colours and the design and the standard of work that the builders and contractors had done looked amazing, I got my tripod out and over the next 5 hours took around 400 images of the great Hull university. One reason why I took so many images is because I was bracketing, this means I would take a shot that was under-exposed (too dark), then I would take a shot at the correct exposure, followed by a shot that was over-exposed (too bright) and by combining these shots in photoshop I would have control over the images and what looks best. This process does take a fair amount of time but it is how to get some technically brilliant results.
The new lens performed so well, the clients were very impressed by the work and used my photography services several more times. If your business needs new interior photography you can always talk to me about a high end photography service. If there are any topics which you would like to see on my photography blog please send an email to let me know.
Thanks for reading,